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Are 2023 cattle futures strong?

2023 cattle futures are strong, but producers must first get herd through a tough winter. Rocky Lemus Feeder cattle future prices are forecasted to climb above $200 by autumn of 2023, according to the CME Group. If realized, it will be the highest prices seen for feeder cattle since September 2015.

What's going on with cows in 2023?

Economist Kevin Good of Cattle Fax said that 50% of the nation's cows were in a drought zone last year, leading to a 13.5% culling rate across the industry. That's the highest ever. Slaughter numbers of both cows and finished cattle will be shrinking in 2023, and buyers will have to pay up to get what they want.

What will the 2023 cattle outlook look like?

From high feed costs to the third consecutive year of drought, there was no shortage of complex obstacles, many with effects that will carry through well beyond 2023. This Market Intel is a deep dive into the 2023 cattle outlook, and what producers can do to position themselves for what lies ahead. Inventory

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